
(In Thousand of New Taiwan Dollars)
Month | 2025 the amount of consolidated revenue | Month increase (decrease) rate | Annual increase (decrease)the ratio | 2024 the amount of consolidated revenue |
January | 67,648 | 130.00% | 17.81% | 57,419 |
February | ||||
March | ||||
April | ||||
May | ||||
June | ||||
July | ||||
August | ||||
September | ||||
October | ||||
November | ||||
December | ||||
Accumulative | 67,648 | 57,419 |
(In Thousand of New Taiwan Dollars)
Month | 2024 the amount of consolidated revenue | Month increase (decrease) rate | Annual increase (decrease)the ratio | 2023 the amount of consolidated revenue |
January | 57,419 | 79.74% | 50.96% | 38,035 |
February | 30,980 | -46.05% | -32.60% | 45,965 |
March | 25,610 | -17.33% | -86.33% | 187,366 |
April | 64,446 | 151.64% | -30.76% | 93,077 |
May | 52,861 | -17.97% | -36.47% | 83,202 |
June | 51,221 | -3.10% | -46.62% | 95,952 |
July | 51,313 | 0.18% | -16.10% | 61,158 |
August | 47,564 | -7.31% | 8.06% | 44,018 |
September | 34,328 | -27.83% | -20.11% | 42,969 |
October | 87,240 | 154.14% | 90.67% | 45,754 |
November | 58,863 | -32.53% | 44.09% | 40,852 |
December | 29,411 | -50.03% | -7.94% | 31,946 |
Accumulative | 591,256 | 810,294 |
(In Thousand of New Taiwan Dollars)
Month | 2023 the amount of consolidated revenue | Month increase (decrease) rate | Annual increase (decrease)the ratio | 2022 the amount of consolidated revenue |
January | 38,035 | -75.1% | -7.1% | 40,948 |
February | 45,965 | 20.85% | 367.50% | 9,832 |
March | 187,366 | 307.63% | 235.04% | 55,924 |
April | 93,077 | -50.32% | 109.17% | 44,499 |
May | 83,202 | -10.61% | 137.52% | 350,29 |
June | 95,952 | 15.32% | 158.43% | 37,129 |
July | 61,158 | -36.26% | 86.46% | 32,799 |
August | 44,018 | -28.03% | 28.93% | 34,142 |
September | 42,969 | -2.38% | -20.15% | 53,812 |
October | 45,754 | 6.48% | -69.33% | 149,180 |
November | 40,852 | -10.71% | -33.25% | 61,205 |
December | 31,946 | -21.80% | -79.12% | 153,025 |
Accumulative | 810,294 | 707,524 |
(In Thousand of New Taiwan Dollars)
Month | 2022 the amount of consolidated revenue | Month increase (decrease) rate | Annual increase (decrease)the ratio | 2021 the amount of consolidated revenue |
January | 40,948 | -27.61% | 131.78% | 17,667 |
February | 9,832 | -76% | 113.83% | 4,598 |
March | 55,924 | 468.80% | 146.68% | 22,671 |
April | 44,499 | -20.43% | 257.34% | 12,453 |
May | 35,029 | -21.29% | -14.57% | 41,002 |
June | 37,129 | 6.00% | 292.36% | 9,463 |
July | 32,799 | -11.66% | 43.70% | 22,824 |
August | 34,142 | 4.09% | 65.40% | 20,642 |
September | 53,812 | 57.61% | 119.41% | 24,526 |
October | 149,180 | 177.22% | 345.87% | 33,458 |
November | 61,205 | -58.97% | 30.22% | 47,002 |
December | 56,562 | |||
Accumulative | 554,499 | 312,868 |
(In Thousand of New Taiwan Dollars)
Month | 2021 the amount of consolidated revenue | Month increase (decrease) rate | Annual increase (decrease)the ratio | 2020 the amount of consolidated revenue |
January | 17,667 | 31.94% | -4.77% | 18,552 |
February | 4,598 | -73.97% | -19.73% | 5,728 |
March | 22,671 | 393.06% | 170.96% | 8,367 |
April | 12,453 | -45.07% | 655.18% | 1,649 |
May | 41,002 | 229.25% | 3138.70% | 1,266 |
June | 9,463 | -76.92% | 472.82% | 1,652 |
July | 22,824 | 141.19% | 0.38% | 22,738 |
August | 20,642 | -9.56% | 43.1% | 14,425 |
September | 24,526 | 18.82% | 91.67% | 12,796 |
October | 33,458 | 36.42% | 19.91% | 27,902 |
November | 47,002 | 40.48% | 230.02% | 14,242 |
December | 56,562 | 20.34% | 322.42% | 13,390 |
Accumulative | 312,868 | 142,707 |
(In Thousand of New Taiwan Dollars)
Month | 2020 the amount of consolidated revenue | Month increase (decrease) rate | Annual increase (decrease)the ratio | 2019 the amount of consolidated revenue |
January | 18,552 | -3.7% | -3.6% | 19,245 |
February | 5,728 | -69.1% | -11.5% | 6,469 |
March | 8,367 | 46.1% | -83% | 49,230 |
April | 1,649 | -80.3% | -96.3% | 44,412 |
May | 1,266 | -23.2% | -97.3% | 46,678 |
June | 1,652 | 30.49% | -91.06% | 18,479 |
July | 22,738 | 1,276.39% | -57.26% | 53,201 |
August | 14,425 | -36.56% | -73.63% | 54,709 |
September | 12,796 | -11.29% | -77.67% | 57,293 |
October | 27,902 | 118.05% | 174.79% | 10,154 |
November | 14,242 | -48.96% | 59.29% | 8,941 |
December | 13,390 | -5.98% | -30.51% | 19,268 |
Accumulative | 142,707 | 388,079 |
(In Thousand of New Taiwan Dollars)
Month | 2019 the amount of consolidated revenue | Month increase (decrease) rate | Annual increase (decrease)the ratio | 2018 the amount of consolidated revenue |
January | 19,245 | 380.5% | -20.8% | 24,306 |
February | 6,469 | -66.4% | -52.6% | 13,643 |
March | 49,230 | 661.0% | 395.8% | 9,929 |
April | 44,412 | -9.8% | 60.9% | 27,608 |
May | 46,678 | 5.1% | 79.7% | 25,978 |
June | 18,479 | -60.4% | 92.6% | 9,594 |
July | 53,201 | 187.9% | 590.4% | 7,706 |
August | 54,709 | 2.8% | 623.5% | 7,562 |
September | 57,293 | 4.7% | 1,583.1% | 3,404 |
October | 10,154 | -82.3% | 154.0% | 3,997 |
November | 8,941 | -11.95% | -31.03% | 12,963 |
December | 19,268 | 115.5% | 381.1% | 4,005 |
Accumulative | 388,079 | 150,695 |
(In Thousand of New Taiwan Dollars)
Month | 2018 the amount of consolidated revenue | Month increase (decrease) rate | Annual increase (decrease)the ratio | 2017 the amount of consolidated revenue |
January | 24,306 | -10.3% | -30.8% | 63,572 |
February | 13,643 | -43.9% | -76.1% | 57,163 |
March | 9,929 | -27.2% | -88.0% | 82,860 |
April | 27,608 | 178.1% | -48.1% | 53,168 |
May | 25,978 | -5.9% | -58.8% | 63,046 |
June | 9,594 | -63.1% | -82.2% | 53,944 |
July | 7,706 | -19.7% | -86.8% | 58,473 |
August | 7,562 | -1.9% | -91.4% | 87,376 |
September | 3,404 | -55.0% | -93.5% | 52,514 |
October | 3,997 | 17.4% | -93.0% | 57,0123 |
November | 12,963 | 224.3% | -86.0% | 92,250 |
December | 4,005 | -69.1% | -85.2% | 27,104 |
Accumulative | 150,695 | 748,482 |
(In Thousand of New Taiwan Dollars)
Month | 2017 the amount of consolidated revenue | Month increase (decrease) rate | Annual increase (decrease)the ratio | 2016 the amount of consolidated revenue |
January | 63,572 | -32.0% | -34.3% | 96,713 |
February | 57,163 | -10.1% | 0.6% | 56,805 |
March | 82,860 | 45.0% | -15.0% | 97,487 |
April | 53,168 | 35.8% | 51.9% | 110,611 |
May | 63,046 | 18.6% | -49.6% | 125,026 |
June | 53,944 | -14.4% | -56.8% | 124,805 |
July | 58,473 | 8.4% | -51.0% | 119,266 |
August | 87,376 | 49.4% | -40.5% | 146,761 |
September | 52,514 | -39.9% | -59.8% | 130,738 |
October | 57,012 | 8.6% | -45.1% | 103,853 |
November | 92,250 | 61.2% | -18.2% | 112,734 |
December | 27,104 | -70.6% | -71.0% | 93,482 |
Accumulative | 748,482 | 1,318,281 |
(In Thousand of New Taiwan Dollars)
Month | 2016 the amount of consolidated revenue | Month increase (decrease) rate | Annual increase (decrease)the ratio | 2015 the amount of consolidated revenue |
January | 96,713 | -5.6% | -7.8% | 104,892 |
February | 56,805 | -41.3% | -13.6% | 65,784 |
March | 97,487 | 71.6% | -9.1% | 107,233 |
April | 110,611 | 13.5% | 19.6% | 92,455 |
May | 125,026 | 13.0% | 42.5% | 87,715 |
June | 124,805 | -0.2% | 94.1% | 64,294 |
July | 119,266 | -4.4% | 25.7% | 94,854 |
August | 146,761 | 23.1% | 62.6% | 90,252 |
September | 130,738 | -10.9% | 43.2% | 91,306 |
October | 103,853 | -20.6% | 9.6% | 94,783 |
November | 112,734 | 8.6% | 14.3% | 98,647 |
December | 93,482 | -17.1% | -8.7% | 102,436 |
Accumulative | 1,318,281 | 1,094,651 |
(In Thousand of New Taiwan Dollars)
Month | 2015 the amount of consolidated revenue | Month increase (decrease) rate | Annual increase (decrease) the ratio | 2014 the amount of consolidated revenue |
January | 104,892 | -17% | 122.7% | 47,095 |
February | 65,784 | -37.3% | 136.1% | 27,860 |
March | 107,232 | 63% | 133.8% | 45,864 |
April | 92,455 | -13.8% | 147.9% | 37,295 |
May | 87,715 | -5.1% | 73.4% | 50,581 |
June | 64,295 | -26.7% | 12.3% | 57,232 |
July | 94,854 | 47.5% | 13.3% | 83,693 |
August | 90,251 | -4.9% | -7.4% | 97,445 |
September | 91,305 | 1.2% | -3.2% | 94,351 |
October | 94,783 | 3.8% | 5.7% | 89,669 |
November | 98,647 | 4.0% | -8.0% | 107,234 |
December | 102,436 | 3.8% | -19.0% | 126,504 |
Accumulative | 1,094,651 | 864,823 |
(In Thousand of New Taiwan Dollars)
Month | 2014 the amount of consolidated revenue | Month increase (decrease) rate | Annual increase (decrease) the ratio |
2013 the amount of consolidated revenue |
January | 47,095 | (15.7%) | (13.3) | 54,344 |
February | 27,860 | (40.8%) | 20.2% | 23,175 |
March | 45,864 | 64.6% | 86.6% | 24,582 |
April | 37,295 | (18.7%) | (24.2%) | 49,216 |
May | 50,581 | 35.6% | (47.9%) | 97,038 |
June | 57,232 | 13.2% | (1.1%) | 57,876 |
July | 83,693 | 46.2% | 64.7% | 50,825 |
August | 97,445 | 16.4% | 92.4% | 50,645 |
September | 94,351 | (3.2%) | 109.4% | 45,059 |
October | 89,669 | (5.0%) | 245.6% | 25,949 |
November | 107,234 | 19.6% | 152.2% | 42,524 |
December | 55,838 | |||
Accumulative | 738,319 | 577,069 |
(In Thousand of New Taiwan Dollars)
Month | 2013 the amount of consolidated revenue | Month increase (decrease) rate | Annual increase (decrease) the ratio | 2012 the amount of consolidated revenue |
January | 54,344 | (50.5%) | 8.1% | 50,251 |
February | 23,175 | (57.4%) | (37.6%) | 37,130 |
March | 24,582 | 6.1% | (43.1%) | 37,314 |
April | 49,216 | 100.2% | 38.2% | 35,612 |
May | 97,038 | 97.2% | 155.8% | 37,941 |
June | 57,876 | (40.4%) | 87.6% | 36,731 |
July | 50,825 | (12.2%) | 6.7% | 47,618 |
August | 50,645 | (0.4%) | 7.1% | 47,277 |
September | 45,059 | (11%) | (36.1%) | 70,554 |
October | 25,949 | (42.4%) | (64.4%) | 72,794 |
November | 42,524 | 63.9% | (39.5%) | 70,305 |
December | 55,838 | 31.3% | (49.1%) | 109,724 |
Accumulative | 577,069 | (11.7%) | 653,251 |